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William A. O'Neill:
An Inventory of His Gubernatorial Records at the Connecticut State Archives

Subseries Title: Mental Health

Subseries ID: 001CL-0089

Subseries is: 001CL-0089
Folder is: Mental Health
Box # Folder ID Folder Title Folder Dates Content
159  0089CL-001  Mental Health    Budget projections for FY 1981 and potential program reductions; oppose closing Norwich Hospital; supports state participating in federal program, the Independent Living Initiative, to expand independ 
159  0089CL-002  Mental Health  March 1981  Hiring freeze having significant impact on Department; complaint about Norwich Hospital discharge policy; Governor appointed Director of Institute for Living; comments concerning proposed federal rule 
159  0089CL-003  Mental Health  April-May 1981  Oppose closing Norwich Hospital; concern about planned reorganization of the Department; patient at mental hospital claims no treatment is being provided; Institute of Living's Employee and Department 
159  0089CL-004  Mental Health  June 1981  Recommendations for Commissioner; concern about forced leave of absence of Dr. Arafeh from Connecticut Valley Hospital; report of items stolen from patient at Connecticut Valley Hospital; oppose staff 
159  0089CL-005  Mental Health  July-August 1981  Reports of sexual harassment at Fairfield Hills Hospital; oppose closing Norwich Hospital; protest being committed; concern about forced leave of absence of Dr. Arafeh from Connecticut Valley Hospital 
159  0089CL-006  Mental Health  September-December 1981  Protests funding cuts to Department; suggestions for improving mental health system; want discharge from hospitals; testimonial to Dr. Arafeh; family home care operators request increase in their fees 
159  0089CL-007  Mental Health--Cornerstone  1981  Urge Governor to transfer funds to Cornerstone, a community mental health facility, so it can keep operating. Funds were not granted. 
159  0089CL-008  Mental Health--Dr. Arafeh  1981  Commissioner explains his request for Dr. Arafeh to take extended leave; asks Governor to investigate conflict between Commissioner and Arafeh before taking action; newspaper stories; notes by Governo 
159  0089CL-009  Mental Health--Letter of Intent  1981  Directions to members of the Governor's Interagency Independent Living Task Force; letter of support from mental health agency; letter to Washington Office about the letter of intent indicating Connec 
159  0089CL-010  Mental Health--Memos to/from Commissioner  1981  Analysis of staffing issues, including Workers' Compensation; Dr. Arafeh's letter of resignation; Governor's comments for testimonial dinner for Commissioner Worrell; Commissioner wishes to discuss lo 
159  0089CL-011  Mental Health  1982  Patient asks about Governor's health; patient wants money to buy cigarettes. 
159  0089CL-012  Mental Health  1983  Complaint filed against the Department by the New York Equal Employment Opportunity Commission; criticism of patient intake policies at Fairfield Hills Hospital; concern about inability to or delay in 
159  0089CL-013  Mental Health--Memos [to/from Commissioner] Worrell  1983  Problem with emergency housing for fire victims at Connecticut Valley Hospital; quarterly report of Blue Hills Hospital Advisory Board; Department's declaratory ruling in response to petition from the 
160  0089CL-014  Mental Health  1984  Reports on programs from Commissioner Worrell; community health program in Greenwich threatened by lack of funds; status report on the impact of community programs on inpatient bed utilization. 
160  0089CL-015  Mental Health  1985  Concern about quality assurance in patient care; concern about impact of deinstitutionalization on patients. [Bucked to Department for response.] 
160  0089CL-016  Mental Health  1986  Federal audit of grant-funded program; personnel issues; protest staff reductions and consolidation of wards at state hospitals; alcoholic patients not treated properly; need for better methods of hos 
160  0089CL-017  Mental Health--Connecticut Valley Hospital  1986  Patients critical of alcohol treatment program; protest suspension of Psychology Internship Program at the hospital. [All letters bucked to Department for response.] 
160  0089CL-018  Mental Health--Gateway Communities, Stamford  1986  Protest loss of funding for halfway house program; Board of Directors question evaluation of program; Regional Director's review of Gateway; requests Governor's intervention in preventing loss of fund 
160  0089CL-019  Mental Health  January-March 1987  Patients complain about conditions at hospitals, particularly food; personnel issues; report on death of patient while in mental health facility; response to audit report; allegations of abuse against 
160  0089CL-020  Mental Health  April-June 1987  Patients request discharge, say they are being held against their will; problem with billing; support for proposed legislation concerning respite care for former psychiatric patients who are now at ho 
160  0089CL-021  Mental Health  July-August 1987  Patients complain about treatment at hospital; parents complain about treatment given son; patient wishes to remain in his residential facility; protest closing of Cornerstone halfway house; patients 
161  0089CL-022  Mental Health  September 1987  Patients request transfer to another facility; patients write about their delusions; patients complain about conditions and staff at hospitals; personnel issues; information concerning a hospital's a 
161  0089CL-023  Mental Health  October 1987  Information concerning a federal grant to provide services to the homeless mentally ill; allegation of harassment of and discrimination against male employees at mental health center; application for 
161  0089CL-024  Mental Health  November 1987  Patient claims he is forced to take drugs; patients write about their delusions; patient requests discharge; response to audit report; personnel issues; application for the Community Mental Health Se 
161  0089CL-025  Mental Health  December 1987  Patients write about their delusions; constituent concerned about reports that mental patients will be discharged without a support network; patients complain about conditions at hospitals; requests i 
161  0089CL-026  Mental Health--Quarterly Reports  1987   
161  0089CL-027  Mental Health  January-March 1988  Patient requests transfer to another hospital; patients complain about conditions at hospital; former patient wants records expunged; patients write about their delusions; complaint about staff at a c 
161  0089CL-028  Mental Health  April-May 1988  Request for information about licensing mental health counselors; patient updates; wife protests removal of husband from current health care facility; patients request transfer to another hospital; pe 
161  0089CL-029  Mental Health  June-July 1988  Thanks Governor for signing bill prohibiting discrimination of those with mental disabilities; patient update; possible strike at mental health center; Department will assist in preparing a budget for 
161  0089CL-030  Mental Health  August 1988  Patient wants to return to hospital from a supervised apartment; personnel issues; patient requests discharge; patient complains about conditions at hospital; minutes from Advisory Board meeting at Ce 
162  0089CL-031  Mental Health  September 1988  Employees complain about heat at Fairfield Hills Hospital; employees complain about condition of Hispanic mental health center; patient not happy with move to group home; parents complain about child' 
162  0089CL-032  Mental Health  October 1988  Concern about budget reduction and cuts in mental health services; patient feels mental health workers deserve higher pay. 
162  0089CL-033  Mental Health  November 1988  Department nominates client for a Victory Award; concerns about budget reduction and cuts in mental health services; patient writes about delusions; personnel issues; concerns about lack of cooperati 
162  0089CL-034  Mental Health  December 1988  Southeast Asian Refugees need mental health services; need for crisis intervention center in northwest Connecticut; personnel issues; report of positive impact of P.L. 88-288, An Act Prohibiting Discr 
162  0089CL-035  Mental Health  January-March 1989  Concerns about budget reduction and cuts in mental health services; patients complain about conditions or treatment at hospital; patient writes about delusions; Governor's office intervenes in crisis 
162  0089CL-036  Mental Health  April-May 1989  Patient requests transfer to another hospital; Governor's office intervenes in crisis situation; former patient claims loss of personal items; concerns about budget reduction and cuts in mental health 
162  0089CL-037  Mental Health  June-July 1989  Responses to audit reports; patient writes about delusions; concerns about budget reduction and cuts in mental health services; personnel issues; patient requests his records; Governor's office interv 
162  0089CL-038  Mental Health  August 1989  Governor's office intervenes in crisis situations; express anger toward state for releasing patient from Whiting Forensic Institute who subsequently murdered Jessica Short, a child, on the street in M 
162  0089CL-039  Mental Health  September 1989  Governor's office intervenes in crisis situations; wants sibling to remain in Whiting Forensic Institute; express anger toward state for releasing patient from Whiting Forensic Institute who subsequen 
163  0089CL-040  Mental Health  October-December 1989  Mother alleges son being held illegally; Commissioner explains staff shortages; Governor and Commissioner praised for their handling of the Jessica Short murder; employee protests closing wards at Nor 
163  0089CL-041  Mental Health  January-February 1990  Patient writes about delusions; paper on the deinstitutionalization movement; crisis intervention center needed in northwest Connecticut; concern for rights of mentally ill in aftermath of Jessica Sho 
163  0089CL-042  Mental Health  March-May 1990  Complaint about conditions at group home; concern that Clozapine, a new drug to treat schizophrenia, not available at state institutions, Governor responds that an implementation program is starting; 
163  0089CL-043  Mental Health  June-August 1990  Patients request discharge; complaints about treatments; oppose temporary leave for violent patients; protest increase in salaries for state mental health workers without an equal increase for those i 
163  0089CL-044  Mental Health  September-December 1990  Patients protest the amount of time they have been in a hospital; warning to Governor about possible additional shift of financial responsibilities for mental health care to the states; parent request 
163  0089CL-045  [Mental Health]--Institutes  1990  Information sent to members of the Board of Directors of the Institute for Living, including minutes of previous meetings, agendas, and proposed by-law changes. 
163  0089CL-046  Mental Health--[Memos to/from Commissioner]  1990  Responses to audit reports; revision to allocation plan for Community Mental Health Services to the Homeless Block Grant; State Ethics Commission clarifies its Advisory Opinion 90-3 concerning honorar